Monday, October 28, 2013

CPAP Journal, Day 5

It's been almost a week, and I am still hooking myself up to the CPAP every night. I'm honestly surprised I have been able to fall asleep with the nasal mask on. I have had to teach myself to sleep with my mouth closed. This is a big change for me, as I normally have slept with my mouth open. (I'm a snorer. Ladies.)

However, I have been able to keep my mouth closed in my sleep, and keep a steady, deep breath through my nose while the mask is on. Fortunately, the calibration that was done is giving me sufficient air that I don't feel suffocated. That is a huge relief. The last thing I need is a panic attack in the middle of the night.

I was worried that there may be a leak, as I would feel cold air coming out the front at a steady pace. However, I was happy to see that the mask is designed to release air out of specially drilled holes in the front, and it was not an issue of a bad connection or a leaky hose.

I am using the machine about half to 2/3 of each night. Usually at about 2:30 to 3:00 in the morning, I get up briefly, go back to bed, and fall asleep without the mask on. I wish falling asleep at the beginning of the night was as easy as falling back asleep in the middle of the night. I know that I should use the CPAP for the full night, but I'm not quite that comfortable with it yet.

So far, my heart seems to be recovering slowly. I don't have a racing heartbeat any more, but I do still easily get winded going up stairs and hills. Dr. McCoy cleared me to go on runs with the Hash House Harriers again, and I went on the Brain City Zombie Hash yesterday. I was still gasping and panting like an obscene phone call on every uphill incline. I still had to take multiple stops to catch my breath. But, I can finally hash again! It's good to be back, but I was really sore today. It's a sad state of affairs when I go out running and drinking, and the next day, I feel more ill effects from the running than I do from the drinking.

I hope that I will really get used to the machine, which everyone keeps telling me will happen gradually. I'm relieved that it is not as cumbersome as I had feared, and it seems to be getting easier to use. I seem to be feeling a little more refreshed in the mornings, for the most part. So who knows? Maybe the machine really is doing its work. I promise I'll keep folks posted as to my progress as it happens.

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